Have you ever been in public and recognized someone you personally know and who's even friended you on Facebook, see you and act like you don't exist?? What an asshole, right? How about if you've ever walked down the street and crossed paths with a random stranger and they instantly look away or down at their phone, because God forbid they have to look you in the eye and say Hello or just even smile at you? This is just ludicrous* people! (*Not to be confused with the rapper Ludacris, because he would probably shout something vulgar out at you like MOVE BITCH! GET OUT THE WAY! And you can't really be too upset about it cause he IS acknowledging you, right? No? Ok, moving on.)
I believe that besides Love, another feeling us human beings long for the most is acknowledgement. People like the sense of recognition. I recently had the above example happen to me where I was completely ignored and I was the least bit pleased about it. Here is how how it happened:
- At small shindig of 12-14 people- Eye contact is made then He looks the other way without even throwing a smile at me and continues his conversation
- Me thinking: "Wow, you're really that busy or too important to come up and say Hi to me or even smile at me when we're 10 feet away from each other? "
- The night ends, no words are exchanged.
- Next drunken night scrolling through Facebook updates- I come across his update: THIS muthaf*cker! DEFRIENDED!!
- Next day of sobriety- Me: Was that childish of me???
Trusted Adviser Ninja: Hell no! If he's so shady that he can't talk to you in real life, why the hell should you be friends on Facebook?!?
Me: Touche... Man I really gotta stop that drunk Facebooking.
I've actually been one of these assholes a few times and remember thinking "I don't have time or just don't want to say Hi to them cause I don't even know what to talk about". And to those people who've I completely ignored, I apologize and promise it will never happen again. I told myself from that day on, I'm going to make it a point to acknowledge everyone I know and even people I don't know. I can understand that there are times when two people who know each other are in a certain situation where it would just be difficult to sit there and converse with each other about the weather, sports, or whatever it is you manage to think of while trying to make conversation. Yes it can be awkward and utterly uncomfortable, but that person is a living human being with feelings and they deserve some sort of acknowledgement whether it be a smile or just a simple Hello. I don't know about you, but to me it feels good to receive a smile and a friendly Hello from a complete stranger.
So being a newbie to this whole blogging business, I chose this topic for my first post in hopes that my fellow interweb nerds who are strangers and people who I may know, will acknowledge me and love me and all my shenanigans that will be posted.
Gina Rae