Friday, July 29, 2011

Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy!!

Happy Friday everyone!! In preparation for my upcoming Chicago Trip NEXT THURSDAY, I am making it a point to perfect the art of the Fishtail Braid this weekend. Yes, it's THAT fabulous that I've used capitalized letters for it, like a National Monument. I've watched the how-to videos on YouTube I dunno, about 23 times and I still can't get it right. But with the weather forecast of humid and hot plus rain, (Hello swamp ass!) my hair will have to be in braids and updo's for my whole trip. I've also got to remember to buy some adult diapers too for asorbing the moisture...

Anyways, now brace yourself... here is a picture of the sexiest braid you ever laid your eyes on:

Am I right or am I really super right? Ok, blow dry your thongs now ladies. I'm sure it won't be hard to pull off the messy look with all the humidity in the air, but it's going to be a bit of a challenge from keeping the top of my head looking like a lion's mane since I've been spoiled with dry Arizona weather. So if no one hears from me this weekend, don't worry, I am most likely alive just sitting on my bathroom counter upping my chances for Arthritis at the age of 35.


  1. Make sure you bring a sweat band bc it will get THAT nasty with this humidity lol *JEN*
