Monday, September 12, 2011

Day Three

Day 3: Eight things that annoy you.

.1. The old lady who repeatedly calls my phone almost every other effing day then apologizes cause she has the wrong number. I even blocked her calls but she still leaves me a voicemail of nothing. GRRRR!!

.2. Those who choose to complain every chance they get about every single damn thing that happens to them because they think life should be perfect. Then as if listening to them isn't bad enough, they think your world should jolt to a stop too because "OMG their car battery died because their car is like so 5 years ago!!!!!" Shut the front door! You're lucky you even have a car!! It amazes me how ungrateful some people are for all the opportunities and luxuries we have in this country, yet they still want to complain about what they don't have. Shit happens, move forward!

.3. Sports fans of California teams. Enough said.

.4. Pop Radio. -unless I'm going out dancing, then it pumps me up so I can perfect all those moves I've been practicing in my mirror.

.5. People who have that gay ass "Not Cal" sticker on their vehicles. Really? You hate California so much you're going to put up a sticker on your car that still says Cal in it?? You showed them.

.6. Looking at my bank account on Monday morning.

.7. People who take one look at a person and make fun of them for anything and everything. Whether it's the clothes they're wearing, their weight, or their physical features. Grow up!

.8. Facebook... it's like that idiot guy I can't stay away from.

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