Monday, October 24, 2011

Friendly texts

Do you ever get that text from your friend that makes you really nervous and anxious? It might say something like 'Hey, can we meet up? I need to tell you something...' or ' I need a favor...'.
It's like 'Hey, I want to tell you something, but I'm going to wait for your response to build the suspense'.
(PS. Don't you hate it when people leave a text with the '...' at the end. It's like wtf does that mean? Spit it out and finish your fuggin' sentence, don't make me bite my freshly painted nails for something stupid!)

Or do you ever get that text from your friend and you just know right off the bat that they're highly intoxicated? It might say something like: 'Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!'.
Just a straightforward insult with extra, extra enthusiasm portrayed by an excessive amount of explanation points.

Now, do you ever get that text from your friend that is just straight up crazy talk and makes you question if they are super wasted or super sober, but makes you appreciate them even more for being a fucking weirdo? It might say something like 'Using only movie titles, describe the last shit you took'...

...Yeah, I have great friends.

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