Friday, November 18, 2011

Let me get that handclap

A coworker and I were talking about our pet peeves when watching movies and her main one was the people who clap at the end of a movie in a theater, because no one actually "performed", so why the applause? I then bashfully confessed to her that I am one of those people she hates. Now I don't clap for every single movie I see, hell I go to the movies maybe like twice a year because I have the attention span of a 4 year old and cannot stand to be in that uncomfortable seat for 3 hours or more. But sometimes movies just end so good that I can't help but to express my gratitude and new found giddiness with a nice round of applause. I mean, it's either that or look over at the person next to you and give them a hug or high 5 because you're so filled with joy that there was a happy ending. That would be weird.

Here are some other pet peeves we came up with for movie watching:
  • Sitting with a person who's already seen the movie who insists on telling you "Oh my goodness I love this part" or "This is so scary" or "HAHAHA! THIS PART IS SO FUNNY, WATCH!" or something else to ruin what is about to happen that is supposed to be surprising.
  • Sitting with a person who's already seen the movie who feels the need to explain what just happened and how it ties to something that already happened or will tie to what is going to happen next. Like, I'm watching the movie too, I can figure it out on my own. Now I missed what they just said cause you were talking, damnit.
  • Teenagers in the movie theater. Either they're making out ridiculously loud or they're laughing ridiculously loud. Ridiculous! There should be a movie theater just for teens so they will stop annoying the shit out of the rest of the world. Of course there will be condoms in all the restrooms, duh.
  • (For me) Movie theaters all together and people who've already seen the movie.
We also agreed that movies at home are bad ass. You can wear PJ's, drink wine or beer without having to sneak it in and wait for that loud part in the movie to crack your can open, pause for a bathroom break or another drink, and fart without anyone giving you the stink eye (pun?). So, what are your movie watching pet peeves?

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