Friday, June 29, 2012

What is it

about being at the gas station 15 minutes before you have to be at work that just pumps you up for the day? -No pun intended
Does anyone else get that feeling? It's like this good feeling seeing everyone else stop to run in and get their coffee or breakfast to get their day going that makes me feel better and gives me this 'Okay, time to seize the day' vibe. Like a realization that takes me back out of my own world to remind me of how much more there is around me, and it motivates me to give the day my best and keep my attitude positive.

I love that feeling; how we can feel so deep in our own lives and issues and relationships, then something as simple as walking around downtown in a crowd of people or staring at the ocean just kinda puts your life on pause and it hits you that there's a whole world out there that has absolutely nothing to do with you (in a good way, of course). A world full of people with their own different issues that make you grateful for the ones you have, because then your problems seem like nothing compared to theirs; or standing on the beach and letting the water touch your toes, reminds you of how small you are in this big world and how much more potential adventure awaits your future. Sometimes when I'm standing there digging my toes in the sand and letting the waves wash it off, I can't help but think that someone on the very opposite end of that ocean is doing the same exact thing, wondering what life is like on my end. It's this immense feeling that pushes me to keep a good outlook on life and keeps me humble even when I feel like my life is crashing down.

So I guess it's good to have those bad mornings; the mornings when you know you should've filled up on gas the night before, but you were too lazy to, so you're then forced to be an extra 8 minutes late (even though you're already running 15 minutes late). But don't stress it... People watch, study your surroundings and let that remind you to be passionate about what you do have and how great you have it 'cause it could be gone in a split second.

Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. 
It makes all things alive and significant.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Viva la tomboy!!

So I have a few confessions for y'all this Wednesday.

Okay my first confession which may or may not be a shocker, is that I've always been somewhat of a tomboy most likely due to the fact that I grew up with the boys. I was brainwashed that girls can and will be  toyed with by a boy they like so I needed to beat them to their own game and if I liked a boy, the best way to show him was to just be a jerk. Also, never let my brothers/ cousins find out about him for the sake of his life. Another "important lesson" I learned from their manner was that my feelings should never be expressed (especially if they're sentimental) because that would be considered whining or just inappropriate.
But besides all of this information my brain was soaking up like a sponge in water, I've always enjoyed doing things boys like to do. I played outside allllllllll day, rode around on Rollerblades or bikes, played out war scenes, and I was obsessed with walkie talkies and Hot Wheels & their awesome tracks. Even in high school, I would watch ESPN for an hour without realizing that none of my brothers or their friends were even around, so I could've actually changed the channel if I wanted to, but I didn't. I remember I would always steal my brother's shirts and wear them cause they were way more comfortable than the tight and figure flattering clothes girls were supposed to wear. Then I would get a Charley horse when they couldn't find their shirt the next day or spotted me in school walking around in it. It didn't make sense to me to get dressed super cute for school just so I could sit all day uncomfortably instead of in a loose & cozy T-shirt, so I chose to be comfy at the expense of my brothers not having many clean shirts and my legs being bruised up for a day or two.
Yeah, this was pretty much me back in the day.
Even though a little bit of that tomboy still lives inside me, I still have my ultra girly moments like squealing over a insanely cute pair of heels that I tell myself I MUST have or hoard numerous amounts of eyeshadow and nail polishes or just being a shopaholic. But today I felt the tomboy in me make an extreme comeback, read on...

Well, this morning I had a big breakfast so of course by the time lunch was upon me I was still not hungry (don't worry, that's not my other confession). In times like this I always head to the nearest shopping plaza to get out of the office and "window shop" to get an idea of what I want to purchase when I do have money to splurge (I quoted window shop because sometimes I reason with myself that a pair of pants or shoes are truly more important than eating lunch for a week. I know, I have a problem; tell me something I don't know). 
I digress as usual; Okay so now that summer is upon us in this lovely city of Phoenix, I have been trying to find non-work attire that covers pretty much just the basics (boobs & butt) because when it's 106 degrees outside like today, I could walk around in a bikini (if I was comfortable enough to) and still feel like I have too much clothing on. -What's with all the parenthesis in my sentences? I don't know, I have a lot of side notes for you. You're welcome- 
So today I did something I haven't done since my high school days... I shopped for MYSELF in the young men's section (there it is finally, 2nd confession)!! It was honestly a little surprising at how much neon pink, purple and orange was on the racks, but I guess those are just fun summer colors that anyone can wear. Also, it was kind of funny going into the fitting room at the same time as some teenage boy with almost the same exact shirt he was trying on. But yes, I did get a couple of tank tops to sport around this summer that are still figure flattering (just not holding onto my torso for dear life, which will make me even more hot and cranky) that I can throw a cute cami under to have that spiffy surfer girl look.

This is definitely one reason I'm glad I am a girl, 'cause I don't know how many straight men can walk into the Junior's or Women's sections in a store and find something that will look good on them... well, besides skinny jeans lol.

Perfect tomboy weekend attire

What happens when you live with your sister's 5 children

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It almost upset me to see

how much beer these two wasted, until I realized it was Old Milwaukee beer.
Carry on with the tramp passes.

Friday, June 1, 2012

La-la-la Love it

How my friends keep coming up to me saying one of the following:
"So you should check... Oh wait, you're not on fb"

"Did you see that po... nevermind"

Friend: "OMG (insert friend name) is so annoying on fb. But I guess you wouldn't know" 
Me: "Yeah that's why I don't have one anymore. So I don't have to sit around and care about shit that doesn't affect me whatsoever."

It's amazing how much less & completely insignificant information I have since deactivating my account.
Get on that RL ("real life" -as my nerd friend Tom Ace would say) people!