Friday, September 30, 2011

Dear Extremely Sexy Shirtless Man

Dear Extremely Sexy Shirtless Man Running Down The Street,

Thank you.

All Women in Northern Glendale

I've always thought this was like a "vanity girl thing" to do, until this last week. Of course most females are not likely to exercise in public shirtless (unless intoxicated), the vain ones just wear their sports bra & a pair of tiny shorts in the gym so everyone knows they have less than 12% body fat without them having to say it out loud. Well during this last week on my way to and from work, I've seen two different men on two different main streets running shirtless with only black shorts on. Please note that I am only thanking one of these men because he happened to be wearing shorts that I deemed as an appropriate length and not a pair of Speedos like the first guy I saw. I probably would've continued to gawk at him too if it wasn't for his super tight Daisy Dukes which instantly made me think that no straight man would dare to run down such a busy street like that... or would he??? Guys, you tell me. Well upon seeing the second running man on my way home from work, I instantly turned into a New York construction worker thinking & saying all kinds of obscenities to myself in my car... With my windows up of course, I am a lady!

My instinctive animal behavior made me think of how the "vain run down the street in skimpy clothing" isn't something only women like to do; Men are into this too cause I witnessed it twice in one work week. Normally when I see women doing this, my initial thought is 'Show off!!' (only cause I'm totally jealous of her rockin' body), but then when I seen the guys doing it I thought 'Hellllllloooo!". When men see a shirtless guy who's in good shape running down the street, do they think the same way? Do you think he's just showing off for the hot ladies driving down the street? Or did I just drink too much Hatorade? At first I felt a slight bit of guilt for acting like a 16 year old girl (slight is the keyword here), but then I thought of how many men see half nekkid women running down the street and they honk or roll down their windows to shout perverted things at them. So the guilt I felt was overruled.

Maybe two wrongs do make a right??
No? Whatever.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bad Romance

I believe the biggest mystery to us all is the human heart. We've all been in that shitty relationship that has this immense force over us leaving us powerless to get up & leave for our own well being. Some of us stay because we think it will get better, some stay because we're scared of having to start all over with someone new and venture into the unknown, and some of us stay because we would rather be with an asshole and feel a constant pain of love than to be alone & feel nothing at all. Maybe it's all of those reasons. Whatever your reason for staying, you learn that Love is a powerful drug we are all junkies for... And just trying to get your fix can turn you into a ray of sunshine or into a cloud of sorrow.

 “The human heart dares not stay away too long from that which hurt it most. There is a return journey to anguish that few of us are released from making.” - Lillian Smith

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tia Gina

Day 3 of no Facebook: not too bad, I've only wanted to navigate there twice today. Yesterday was ridic, I almost quit on quitting!

Now back to my post.
Today I came across this super cute article about the founder of who is a married woman and has decided her life is complete without children because she has enough nieces and nephews to fill that void of children. I was instantly intrigued in what this woman has to say because I don't have any children and I'm not interested in any at the moment because I also have plenty of nieces and nephews to borrow then return when I'm ready to go back to "me time". Although I can relate a lot about what the founder is going through not having or wanting children because she is an Aunt, I have to say that right now I'm not ready for kids but I'm not sure about not having children at all. I would love to have my own asshole children someday when I'm ready for it... Or at least married, because being single and not even dating anyone special at the moment doesn't seem like having a child would make my life anymore special.

I love it when people come to one of my family gatherings and are in complete shock of all the children running around then they turn to me and say "When are you going to have kids?". I swear my Sister has a 6th sense for when I get asked this question because without a second to waste she instantly yells "Never! She can take one of mine". My initial thought to this question is 'Does this family really need more children running around?' then 'I'm not even married you jackoff!' then 'Well I'm half way to 50 and it's clear that no one even wants to marry me, where's the fucking ice cream!?' and then I'm the one full of rage breaking the piƱata. Ok that last part I made up, but you get the gist.

For the time being, my heart is complete with all of the blessings I call nieces & nephews. I love how they get excited to see me every time I come around -probably because they always tell me that I'm like a big kid 'cause I'm always willing to do goofy things with them. I also love it that they confide in me for things they aren't so sure in telling their parents about 'cause they don't want to get whooped and they know I'm going to let it slide. The best part of it all is that I can enjoy the company of children as long as I want then when I'm over it, I go back to my "world" of selfishness and negligence. I'm sure when it's my time to have children or if I ever do, I will be fine... as long as I can learn to not to refer to them as assholes. I've had oodles and oodles of experience with kids and I learned CPR off YouTube so we should be golden ;)
"Here's the truth about aunthood. Unlike parents, aunts have no legal obligations. Aunthood is a gift. It's a gift to the children who never suffer from too much love. It's a gift to today's overburdened parents who can always use more hands and hearts when it comes to their kids. And it's a gift to us because it is one of the wonderful things that fills our lives with joy, love and purpose." -Melanie Notkin

"Never say never. Because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.”
Michael Jordan

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beauty Genie Where Are You?

Recently I had a coworker ask me if I do my own hair everyday and I was very flattered by her compliment because every morning I wake up and feel like I can't do anything new or cute with this mane without taking more than 20 minutes. Anything after 15 minutes I get annoyed and give up; kinda like how I look at my closet full of clothes and still say I have NOTHING to wear. ugh. I need to stop hitting that snooze button and waking up late... Anyways, so I realized I shouldn't be so whinny about my hair if a few people have noticed and commented how they like my different hairstyles throughout the week.

Which brings me to my Beauty Genie! What is a part of your normal beauty routine that you dread doing and wish you could have someone do for you? If I were granted ONE beauty wish for the rest of my life, it would be that I could have my own personal hairstylist at my beck and call. Whether it's to do a cute braid to my hair or actually cut/dye my hair, POOF Beauty Genie there!!

P.S. I guess this is a subtle hint to my future husband  - you should start saving now!

P.S.S. On another hair note, I was reading Glamour's Top 20 Most Memorable TV Hairstyles that included Daisy Duke from Dukes of Hazzard... WTF?! She has hair???? I thought she was just a set of walking ass cheeks.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Broke Girls Guide

Last week was National Singles Week and to honor this, my best single cousin, my friend who should be single and myself went out Friday night and let the West side of Phoenix know we love being single! None of us had money to spend on getting ourselves drunk, so we decided we'd make it a point to have all the guys buy our drinks as an exchange for our company... for 2 minutes of course. The night was a complete success and we got our free drinks all night and left the club with Australian accents. I forgot how fun it is to go out and just to be slightly obnoxious.
After recovering the next day, I realized you've got to have a plan to have a good night like these 'cause we all know every single night you go out doesn't mean you're going to have a blasty blast. So I've come up with a Broke Girls Guide to help you have a great night out with your gal pals when your funds are low.

Your Attitude
You must keep a positive attitude when getting ready and driving out to your destination that you're going to have a great night. Time for Lady Balls!! Get dolled up and wear your favorite outfit and listen to cheesy ass music to get you pumped up and if you can, pregame it up! A couple drinks before you go out will always get you and the girls to loosen up a little.

Your Gang
Don't take out that friend of yours who is a complete bitch to guys just because she doesn't see herself ever banging him. We all know the only reason 99.9% of men are in the club is because they are looking for some strange. Make sure your girls took their Act-Right and are willing to talk to any guy who wants to buy your gang a round. Just because you talk to him for a minute or two, doesn't mean you need to go home with him or even give him your number at that (even though that's what he's thinking- I'm most certainly not trying to have your babies tonight creepy dude, you can go away now). But I'm definitely not going to descriminate any guy who wants to buy me a drink or two when my broke ass doesn't have money to! Plus I'm sure if he's a super creep, security won't mind helping taking care of him... they have nothing else to do and maybe you can make a new insider friend for your next night out ;)

Your Motive
Please remember your motive of going out when you're broke: To flirt and get free drinks so you and your gals could have a fabulous night 'cause you're all smokin' hot. NOT so you could have a drunken meltdown at the end of the night because you didn't find Prince Charming and you're still single. Be goofy, dance till your feet hurt, talk to guys who you normally wouldn't talk to and most importantly: don't forget the camera!

To all the men this has offended, I apologize... The truth hurts.
It's good to have a vagina.

Cold Turkey

Facebook = Life Sucker

As I've stated before on my previous post of 8 Things That Annoy Me, Facebook is one of them. Sometimes I log in and it's like this crazy cool party with all my friends online (even though we never chat), 14 notifications, 2 new friend requests, a very funny thread happening on someone's status and some creep (who I don't know why is on my friends list) trying to hit me up on chat. Sometimes. Most of the time I get online and have 3 notifications which are usually of someone else commenting on a picture / status that I recently commented on that is completely irrelevant to me and that creep still trying to chat with me. Yet I still log on every day from work and my phone when I'm bored to just snoop around (which is pretty much border line stalking) on everyone else's posts aka life updates. Then I think 'Why the hell do I even log on to this, all your lives suck!!!' Just kidding. But seriously, all this time I am using to read about your lives, I could be doing something great with mine.

Since this realization of how much of my time that is somewhat wasted (and not the good wasted), I've decided that I'm going to stay off Facebook for ONE WHOLE WEEK starting today. I know you're thinking 'That's it? One week?'. But please keep in mind that my job has a lot of down time in which I'm allowed full access to the Internet, so yes, one week of no Facebook is going to be hard. Wish me luck on going cold turkey and don't get all booty on me if I don't respond to any of your notifications which I'm sure are all super important and life changing. If you have something that important to tell me, don't write it on my wall waiting for a response, call or text me foolnecks.

Hopefully during this week I get a few productive things accomplished or something really cool happens so I can update about it on my next log in cause I know you all only log in to read about my life!! Not. In the meantime, you will most likely be getting lots of strange blogs this week which will be like taking a tour inside the mind of Gina.

Ps. This is what I'm predicting will happen next week when I log in:

Happy Monday!

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Over!!!

Day 10: One person you can trust


Fall in Love

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Fall who?
(I had to give myself props for just making that up)

Hooray for the first day of fall!! I love this time of year for three reasons:
  1. Cooler weather
  2. The beautiful colors that take over nature
  3. Fall Fashion!!
Although at first I was sad to see Summer come to an end, I've remembered the many pros of Fall and why it is my favorite time of year! Cooler weather equals: Scarves, Mary Jane heels, Plaid, Red lipstick, Cheetah print, Knee length coats, Sweaters, Boots and the list goes on and on and on! I came across this pic from Casa Bella and it totally put me in a cheery Fall fashion mood. Totally.

Hooooorayyyyyy for Fall! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Need an instant mood booster?

There's just something about giving someone a high five that instantly boosts my mood. Then I started wondering if everyone feels the same way. So to test this theory, I just walked around the office and randomly put my hand up to people and said "Don't leave me hangin'!" and they loved it. Made everyone smile.

Two Things

Day 9: Two things you wish you could do

Like MLK Jr. said, "I have a dream..."
One: Rob a bank, have a high speed car chase on the interstate, then drive to Puerto Vallarta and live happily ever after and never get caught. And of course, relocate my family out there.
(Winning the lottery would just be too easy and not as much of a bad ass story as a successful bank robbery)

Two: Relive any memory


Hi, my name is Gina and I am obsessed with eyebrows. It is said that eyebrows frame your face and are the windows to your soul... That last part is a bit of a stretch, but I definitely agree that they frame your face.

When I'm not doing the eyebrow dance, sometimes I like to put my index fingers over my eyebrows and see what I would look like without my brows; it's really creepy how different you look. Or sometimes, I use my index finger and pull up the skin in between my brows and it makes me look like I'm extremely worried about something. Go ahead, give it a shot then check yourself out in the mirror. Why so seriousssss?

Anyways, I love it when I see a set of well groomed, FULL brows. I mentally high five that person or usually just tell them I love their brows. Not too long ago I asked my sister if she thinks Latisse (the serum to make your eyelashes grow) would work on my brows, that could work right?? No? Whatever. This fall I'm bringin' sexy back and growing some bushy brows while strutting around in my red lipstick with my lady balls in full effect! I'm thinking I want to shape them like my two girl crushes for eyebrows: Jennifer Connelly and Penelope Cruz, I lust for these eyebrows!


Men, don't feel left out! I am a sucker for a full set of brows on a guy too. There is nothing sexier to me than a man with full eyebrows... who also opens my beer.
When are you going to come in my life and sweep me off my feet Josh Hartnett so we can make bushy eye brow babies?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day Eight

Day 8: Three words you can’t go a day without using
Umm three words is kinda dumb, so I'm gonna go with three phrases:

  • Oh kay kay kayyyy!
  • Shut. Up.
  • I don't wanna get up!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

It's all about the memories!

Day 7: Four memories you won’t forget

Being a kid and actually playing outside all day. We left the house as early as possible didn't go back home until the street lights came on.

Going to the same high school with my two older brothers and three cousins. Man we pulled some crazy stunts!!

Leaving the dealership parking lot in my first car feelin' like a BOSS!

The last time I heard my Dad say goodbye & that he loved me.

T-T-T-Totally dude!!

Did I ever tell you about the time my family went out one Saturday night to celebrate a few birthdays and everyone got along, danced till the wee hours of the morning, no one got arrested, and there were no fights with strangers or each other??
Most likely not, because that's never happened until this weekend. Congrats family! We're all maturing gradually. Too bad my sister lost her camera with all the pictures and can't spam the Internet with them! Really super sad face!!

Although I wasn't out with everyone for that particular festivity, we had ourselves quite an eventful weekend.

birthday pool parties
Pop Warner games
slushies & Wienerschnitzel
kid Baseball games
face plant the steering wheel
Ortiz vs. Mayweather fight
shrimp 'n cocktail
not being let in Bobby Q's
Hurricane Gay
losing the camera
80's Rock Band party
boom box on shoulders


Friday, September 16, 2011

Lady Balls... Do you have them?

Lady Balls- being brave enough to step out of your comfort zone and do something you normally wouldn't, with complete confidence.
i.e. "I wanted to wear that bold red shade of lipstick to work this morning, but I didn't have the Lady Balls to."

That's my definition for it anyways. You gals should bring out your Lady Balls at least once a week!
Just make sure you're not talking to your coworkers about your lady balls or lack thereof when the President of your company walks by =/

Day Six

Day 6: Five things you can’t live without


God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I have a theory that my family has some sort of evil demon in their head repeating this very word to them... and they do as he says... whenever he says.

My family is super close and are all pretty much in the same age range. I have 5 siblings and we have 4 cousins that we grew up with living within one mile of us, with so we consider each other brothers and sisters. Growing up, birthday parties were a blast and going out to dinner for someone's birthday was always an adventure. We are still really close to this day and that I am extremely thankful for.

Well now that we're all older, they've decided to have children like the world has been wiped out of the human species and God said "I choose this family to repopulate the earth". I have 10 nieces and nephews just from my siblings; my "other siblings" have a total of 7... I think that's right. Don't get mad at me if I forgot someone, use a condom! Now this doesn't include all of the other children in my family; I would have to spend all day doing that because my Dad has 8 sisters and 1 brother and my mother has 2 sisters and 2 brothers and I don't even know how many kids trickle down from that... Now do you understand the title of this post and why I don't have children???

It never fails, our gatherings are a blast. Whether it's bbq'ing on Sundays, holiday celebrations, baptismals or tailgating; we eat, drink, and have a good time. Sometimes there's a nip slip and sometimes we get just a taaaad bit rowdy and get in fights... But when it comes to birthday parties, that is just craziness all around whether it's a kids party or adult outing. I feel like birthday parties are the most hectic gathering for this fam, or really, any large family. Not everyone needs to show up for Sunday bbq's, tailgating, or 4th of July hangouts; but a birthday party, it's like you have to go because your kids will hate you forever if they miss their favorite cousins pinata and jumpy thingamajig. Plus you'll miss out on the delicious food, so you go. Parties at houses usually turn into an adult event with coolers full of beer, adults wrestling each other in the jumper, and the cops getting called at 1am. Peter Piper's are usually overtaken by our family then we all go back to someone's house to continue the adult fun. And then there's the times we decide to go out to sit down restaurants for the adults birthdays...

Normally on one's birthday, you want to go out to your favorite restaurant with the people you love the most surrounding you while eating your favorite meal. Not me, I've decided to opt out of this for celebrating my birthday for 3 good reasons:
   1.) This family is never on time.
Like Joe Pesci says in Goodfellas "Yeah, you were always fuckin' late, you were late for your own fuckin' funeral". My sister has to make 3 different sets of invitations for birthday parties! Three!! One set for her white friends (who are always good at being on time) and another set for my family that usually says the party is at 2pm when it doesn't really start till 5pm. The 3rd invitation is for my aunt who's invitation says party time is at Noon that way she'll be there by 6 the latest. The chances of the restaurant letting us sit down without the entire party there are slim to none.

   2.) Hassling restaurant employees to make room for and serve 24+ people their correct food.
The minimum wait time for a party this big is usually an hour, when you're waiting for one side of the restaurant to leave so you can all sit together. Even if we did make a reservation, we'd still wait till everyone got there so the waiters could take orders. Just looking at the faces of the waiters taking drink and food orders then bring them out to the correct person makes me pity them. Thank God restaurants do that automatic tip for parties of 8 or more.

   3.) Splitting the bill.
This usually takes an extra hour after everyone has finished their meals and is ready to be on their way. Most waiters ask in advance if and how the bill will be split, but it always happens that someone got the wrong items on their bill or was over / under charged. It wouldn't be that big of a hassle for everyone to throw your money on the table and leave, but in this day and age no one carries around cash. So we have to wait for the waiter to correct the bill, then run all of our cards and bring them back to sign. What's worse is just yesterday, my family went out for a few birthdays and the waiter put the bill all together and gave them a pen to figure out their own totals. WOW! What a jerkoff! Apparently my Ma thought the same cause I was told she was about to get fist to cuffs with the staff for pulling that stunt.

Ahhh.... I love my huge family!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Literally... No, seriously

I don't know how many times this has happened... and why it still does:

The Text
Him: "What's up"

The Analysis
K: I don’t think it’s that much of an exaggeration to say that people who only text “what’s up” all the time should be banished to an island that is slowly sinking.
B: He sends this text to me every couple of weeks, on Friday nights.
K: Once a fortnight?!?
B: Yes. Once a fortnight.
K: He’s basically providing you with opportunities to reply "not much, wanna do it?"
B: I mean, yeah, he's just politely reminding me that he and his penis are still in the world.
K: Aren't he and his penis still dating a 19-year-old?
B: Yes, but he and his penis are nothing if not inclusive.
K: You should just start replying with literally everything you did that day.
B: Yes! Like, "Hey, not much! I had some crazy-good cereal this morning and walked my dog. She...shit...everywhere. Lol, gross. So I took her to the vet and the vet was like 'omg cute dog' and I was like 'omg I know right' and she was like 'haha but really your dog needs some heartworm medicine' and I was like 'fiiiiiine.' Then basically I was just at work all day! At lunch I painted my nails this really great coral pink color. Or really it's like, nectarine-y. It's hard to describe via text, want a pic?!?"

Read more on how girls over analyze text messages here , this woman is hilarious.
p.s. If I was smart I could just say I was hanging out with my boyfriend... even if he's imaginary, whatever will make these guys stop.

Day Five

Day 5: Six Songs I Am Addicted To

bad coMpany - five finger death pUnch
mr. Saxo beat - alexandra stan
don't - bIlly Currington
til the world ends - brItney Spears
heavy metal LOVEr - lady gaga
un-thinkable - alicia keys

Music Is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lime Green

love love love Limes.
& i love all that is Lime Green.
the color just puts me in a good mood 
plus it makes me want a tequila shot or Corona :)

My Lime Green Wish List:

 - this car, there's one in my work parking lot and I lust for it everyday
- a bad ass French chair for my room like this, but in Lime
- and of course... a Lime tree

Four (not just for whores)

Day 4: Seven fears/phobias

7. mj's "thriller" video... yes it still creeps me out
6. roaches
5. my ipod dying on me
4. drowning
3. going blind
2. losing my loved ones
1. cancer

Monday, September 12, 2011

Call Me Old Fashioned...

but I prefer a phone call over a text. Texting is so impersonal. When you just need to get across a simple message like "Meet me at 5 at blah blah" then yeah, it's ok. What I don't like is when guys start talking to a girl and they try to have a full blown conversation via text asking question after question. Why don't you stop being so damn lazy and call me?!? Does the sound of my voice really make your ears bleed? Well if so, leave me alone then! And then some guys get so comfortable with texting, that it's all they want to do. I'm not in 4th grade, I don't need a fucking pen pal.
Texting a cute little message during the day is acceptable and I understand not everyone is lucky enough to sit at their computer all day doing absolutely nothing productive....... But after work when you're at home sitting on your couch watching garbage tv and texting a girl question after question waiting for her to respond and you immediately write back when she does, why wouldn't you just pick up the phone and call her? Also, the tone of a person's text. That is the worst when two people cannot understand each other's tones and one person gets slightly offended or worse, creeped out if the other person is joking. But that is a whole notha pickle for a different day!

I recently came across a blog written by a man on HowAboutWe that says texting is better than a call... Lazy. Ass. Bullshit. Here are the reasons they came up with and underneath are my reasons for calling bullshit.

7 Reasons Texts Are Better Than Phone Calls 

1) Because you can actually think about what you're going to say.
Hand me a telephone, and I will say something stupid into it. Hand me a telephone with someone I like on the other end, and I will say something really stupid. With a text, you can plan, and yes, even revise.
BS: Gay. Girls like a quick, witty and ORIGINAL man. Now I understand not all men are quick and witty but having to sit there and think about what you're going to say and erasing what you first had isn't very original. When you're on the phone, what you really would think and say comes out just naturally vs. having a few minutes to try and be witty. After all, you want this girl to like the REAL YOU; not the guy who has to over analyze everything he says because he's scared she won't like him after. If you say something stupid, I'm sure she will be able to just giggle it off and carry on with the convo.

2) Because phone calls can be painfully awkward.
Even if you have perfect elocution, a great speaking voice, and fantastic oratorical skills, factors such as poor cell-phone reception or other interruptions (another call, an ambulance driving by, a barking dog) can lead to uncomfortable interruptions. There's nothing worse than speaking to someone on the phone for the first time and having to continually say "Wait--what? Sorry, can you hear me? Wait, hold on, walking by construction site..." over and over.
BS: Take off your kid Spiderman chonies and put on your grown man Calvin Klein briefs. Everything is awkward at first, just be confident and know she's not going to dump you after your first phone convo and if she does, then eff her! Call when you know it will be a good time to talk and if you REALLY cannot wait to speak to her then text her and say something like hey "Is it cool if I call you when I get (insert place) cause I can't hear a thing but I definitely want to hear your voice". You could even throw in a smiley or winkey face and I can guarantee a smile will stretch across her face cause it says "I'm interested and I want to talk to you and I want to make sure you have time to talk to me"... Plus, bitches love smiley faces.

3) Because a good text message will say a lot about a person.
A perfect text message requires wit, brevity, and flirtation. A good texter is smart, sharp, and good with words. Additionally, someone who uses unnecessary text abbreviations, or, god help him, emoticons is immediately ruled out as a potential love interest.
BS: Ok the above is true; but you could also be making her wait a couple hours for that "perfect" thing to say to her when it finally comes to you and if you keep using quirky and witty replies, she will probably think you're a pro at it and assume you are a player. A few sharp and flirty replies are cute, just not all the time. Also for the emoticons, see #2 about smiley faces.

4) Because texting can be great foreplay.
It's a prolonged flirtation that can span the course of the week or day leading up to a date.
No BS on this one. Next!

5) Because there is nothing sexy about a perfunctory "let's set up a date" call.
Sure, a phone call is "to the point", and on a purely utilitarian level more efficient than texting when it comes to making plans. But are you really looking for "efficiency" in your dating life? You call to quickly make an appointment with your dentist, not with your date.
BS: Really? I wasn't aware that any text implying "Want to have dinner Saturday at 8?" could be sexy. Plus, who cares if that text is sexy?? It's what you say to her when you're with her that needs to be charming. Why is this guy always trying to be sexy? Someone listened to wayyy too much JT that morning.

6) Because a text lets you write what you're too shy to say.
Sometimes, especially during the early stages of dating, it can be hard to straight out say the things you're feeling, especially if you're unsure of how it will be reciprocated. A "You looked beautiful last night" or "I had an amazing time with you" the next morning is a safe (and always appreciated!) way of doing this.
Ok, there's really no BS on this one... the whole "I had an amazing time with you" text is cute. Just don't be afraid to say these things to her after your first couple of rendezvous because girls love to hear these comments, not just read them.

7) Because a text is forever.
I usually don't swoon at phone calls, but if I get an excellently crafted text, I will save that thing forever, and pull it up and read it again and again.
BS: Until the next drunken night out and the phone gets dropped in a toilet, then it's all down the drain ;) 

Day Three

Day 3: Eight things that annoy you.

.1. The old lady who repeatedly calls my phone almost every other effing day then apologizes cause she has the wrong number. I even blocked her calls but she still leaves me a voicemail of nothing. GRRRR!!

.2. Those who choose to complain every chance they get about every single damn thing that happens to them because they think life should be perfect. Then as if listening to them isn't bad enough, they think your world should jolt to a stop too because "OMG their car battery died because their car is like so 5 years ago!!!!!" Shut the front door! You're lucky you even have a car!! It amazes me how ungrateful some people are for all the opportunities and luxuries we have in this country, yet they still want to complain about what they don't have. Shit happens, move forward!

.3. Sports fans of California teams. Enough said.

.4. Pop Radio. -unless I'm going out dancing, then it pumps me up so I can perfect all those moves I've been practicing in my mirror.

.5. People who have that gay ass "Not Cal" sticker on their vehicles. Really? You hate California so much you're going to put up a sticker on your car that still says Cal in it?? You showed them.

.6. Looking at my bank account on Monday morning.

.7. People who take one look at a person and make fun of them for anything and everything. Whether it's the clothes they're wearing, their weight, or their physical features. Grow up!

.8. Facebook... it's like that idiot guy I can't stay away from.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day Two

Day 2: Nine Things I Do Every Cot Damn Day

2 - Sing out loud wherever I am or even better, say the lyrics to heavy metal songs in a tone that sounds like a Disney movie song. It throws everyone off and is hilarious to me.
3 - Change my outfit at least 2 times before I walk out the door.
4 - Say I need to clean my room. Does that happen?...

5 - Laugh.... mostly at myself

6 - Do video dance moves in my mirror that I wouldn't dare do in public.
7 - Wear earrings; I absolutely cannot stand it when I forget to put them on. I will turn around and go back home for them even if it makes me late for work.
8 - Talk to at least one family member.
9 - Remember my crazy ass dreams from the night before and tell one person about it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Shit My Boss Says Vol. 2

I think my boss has been with our company for so long (I'm pretty sure 14 years) that he needs a refresher of appropriate office behavior and sexual harassment. I know the title says Vol. 2 and I haven't written about this topic before, but read this story first so you catch my drift. Yeah, I just said "catch my drift". Suck it.

Ok, that right there, Volume One. Strange and awkward.

Now here's what happened yesterday.
My boss is at my desk talking to me about work related issues when a female employee comes to the front glass door waiting for me to push my remote button to unlock the door. Our office is very secured with card readers at every door so employees need their badges at all times to enter the suite. My boss is known for harassing our employees forgetting / not having their badges on them, so as he steps in front of the sensor that opens the door for her he immediately hits her with the "Where's your badge? That's your tool for work, would you leave your tools at home?" question routine. She cuts him off saying "It's on my desk". Well this woman just so happened to be wearing her white dress (after Labor Day?? jk) that doesn't have pockets so I understand why she doesn't have her badge clipped to her. Well my boss checks her out and notices yeah, she's in a dress and that it's V neck so he replies with "Well why didn't you just put it" then motions to store her badge in her tits....

I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped waiting for her response or a slap to his face when he notices the quiet second and immediately starts blabbering on saying "Well I'm just saying I've seen girls put all kinds of stuff like cell phones and debit cards and things in there!" She just kinda laughed then proceeded to walk away as fast as possible when he kept going on about "One time I seen a girl pull out a giant" and then I had to stop listening because I needed to take in what just happened. This woman is in her 40's and married to someone else that works in our office!! Who does that?? Oh yeah, my boss...

HR anyone???

10 Day Challenge

Day 1: Ten random facts about yourself.

1) My family <3 my world
2) Sex and The City never gets old.
3) I'm over the Glendale / Peoria area, I want to live in Central / Downtown Phoenix where the gay community is. It's clean, fun and seems so cozy to me.
4) I like to think that you can tell a lot about a person from what they say about others.
5) I Love Country music, don't be hatin'!
6) Hiking is my meditation.
7) No habla EspaƱol
8) I love dry humor, but you gotta know when to draw the line between sarcasm and just being an asshole.
9) I don't care for name brands; I'm a frugal shopper. But if you want to go ahead and spend your money on expensive things for me, you go right ahead and do that.
10) Holding hands makes me all warm & fuzzy inside.

Day 2: Nine things you do everyday.
Day 3: Eight things that annoy you.
Day 4: Seven fears/phobias.
Day 5: Six songs that you’re addicted to.
Day 6: Five things you can’t live without.
Day 7: Four memories you won’t forget.
Day 8: Three words you can’t go a day without using.
Day 9: Two things you wish you could do.
Day 10: One person you can trust

Sierra, you need to finish Yours!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Well, I could be wrong...

But I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era....

The richness of your life is found in adventure.

Set sail, grab the wheel & go where you want to be.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


An OutKast is someone who is not considered to be part of the normal world.
He's looked at differently.
He's not accepted because of his clothes, his hair,
his occupation, his beliefs or his skin color.
Now look at yourself, are you an OutKast?
I know I am.
As a matter of fact, fuck being anything else...
It's only so much time left in this crazy world.
Wake up niggaz and realize what's goin on around you;
poisonin' of the food and water,
tamperin' of cigarettes,
disease engineering control over your life.
Take back your existence or die like a punk.

True Dat - OutKast

Friday, September 2, 2011

Suck My Kiss

Top 3 Reasons to make out with someone:
(as if you need a reason?!)

6. Because you think they might be famous one day, and want to make out with them just in case.

11. Because you feel like making out with someone, and they are someone.

14. Because you're a really good kisser, and when you have a talent you should share it with the world.

Check out Glamour's other 12 reasons here

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yeah! Uh huh! You Know What It Izz...

These shoes from Payless:
They are the bizz!!

So I have some glorious news to share my dears! It is associated with my previous post Summer Blues about the blue pumps that I couldn't stop thinking/drooling about. Well I purchased them! Yay me!! But that isn't all the gloriousness of my news! I got the blue AND the nude pumps for $35. Not $35 each either...
EEEEEEEEE! It still cheeses me thinking about it!! They are originally $35 for each pair, I got extremely lucky and it's very possible that you could be just as lucky yourself!

Ok so here's the story... Last week I was staring at the shoes again online, dreaming up each and every possible outfit in my closet that would match with the blue pumps so I could justify me purchasing them. I mean, if they go with at least one outfit then I gotta have 'em, right? Well it just so happened that Payless had just started their BOGO (Buy One Get One half off) sale last week too. So I'm thinking if they have my size in the blue at the nearest store by my work, then maybe I'll get another pair of cheaper shoes for half off. I vowed to myself that if the nearest store didn't have my size 8.5 then it wasn't meant to be and I don't need the shoes.

So I nervously call and *queue angelic voices singing* they had my size!! So I asked the cashier to hold them for me that I planned to go during my lunch break to spend next weeks lunch money on my new smokin' hot shoes. Well I don't know if any of you have heard of the genius search engine on the Internet known as Google, but we're best friends. YUP! I use Google for EVERYTHING and yes that includes searching "Payless coupons". Well I found a coupon I was able to print out for 15% off my purchase, which means if they had the black or nude pumps in my size there too, they would only be like $12. SCORE!

When I get to the store and strut around in the shoes I have a giant grin on my face and it's confirmed... I'm getting 'em! So of course being a sales associate, she reminds me of the BOGO sale and tries to find my size in the nude or the black colors. She is unsuccessful, there are neither of each color in my size so I think to myself "Ok, just get the blues, use the coupon, run and don't look back". Well she went behind my back when I was checking out other shoes and called the other store not too far away and they had the nude pumps in my size. She tells me she put them on hold for me and that I would still be able to get them half off PLUS an extra $4 off for having to travel to a different store for my size. This woman is good and I am instantly beginning to have a love/hate relationship with her. I thank her and think to myself, "$8 pumps... Do you have the extra $8? HELL YES! When will I ever find another pair of these shoes for EIGHT dollars?! Maybe I am just having an adrenaline rush and shouldn't be spending any more money that I don't really have!?? Maybe I should go back to work and think about it..."

So I go back to work after buying the blue pumps and think long and hard... for 2 minutes. Eight dollars is nothing for a pair of super cute pumps. I get to the other store after work and when the clerk hands me the box there is a sticky note on the shoes that says "Take extra discount off $4 for scratch". My heart sinks and
I scan the shoes for a scratch. Of course there would be a damn scratch, I knew this was too good to be true!! Well I finally see a small smudge after staring at the shoes for a good minute. You can barely freakin' see it so I try 'em on and strut around the store. Confirmed again, they're comin' with! I get to the cashier and give her the receipt for the other pair and my coupon. I anxiously watch the price of the shoes go from:
$35.99 to $30.99.
Then to $15.99
Then to $10.99
6 something
5 something
It is like a Lil' John and The East Side Boyz song in my head at this point. I'm bout to Dougie on the counter top when she tells me "Ok you're total is $1.58" I almost screamed outloud but I remembered the older couple behind me and didn't want to cause a heart attack or look like a crazy shoe girl! I confirmed with her "As in, ONE dollar and fifty eight cents?" and she replies "Wow... yes it is".

I totally screamed when I got in my car and immediately called Daria to tell her all about it and she said "It's like God wanted you to have these shoes".
Oh yes He did.