Monday, September 26, 2011

Broke Girls Guide

Last week was National Singles Week and to honor this, my best single cousin, my friend who should be single and myself went out Friday night and let the West side of Phoenix know we love being single! None of us had money to spend on getting ourselves drunk, so we decided we'd make it a point to have all the guys buy our drinks as an exchange for our company... for 2 minutes of course. The night was a complete success and we got our free drinks all night and left the club with Australian accents. I forgot how fun it is to go out and just to be slightly obnoxious.
After recovering the next day, I realized you've got to have a plan to have a good night like these 'cause we all know every single night you go out doesn't mean you're going to have a blasty blast. So I've come up with a Broke Girls Guide to help you have a great night out with your gal pals when your funds are low.

Your Attitude
You must keep a positive attitude when getting ready and driving out to your destination that you're going to have a great night. Time for Lady Balls!! Get dolled up and wear your favorite outfit and listen to cheesy ass music to get you pumped up and if you can, pregame it up! A couple drinks before you go out will always get you and the girls to loosen up a little.

Your Gang
Don't take out that friend of yours who is a complete bitch to guys just because she doesn't see herself ever banging him. We all know the only reason 99.9% of men are in the club is because they are looking for some strange. Make sure your girls took their Act-Right and are willing to talk to any guy who wants to buy your gang a round. Just because you talk to him for a minute or two, doesn't mean you need to go home with him or even give him your number at that (even though that's what he's thinking- I'm most certainly not trying to have your babies tonight creepy dude, you can go away now). But I'm definitely not going to descriminate any guy who wants to buy me a drink or two when my broke ass doesn't have money to! Plus I'm sure if he's a super creep, security won't mind helping taking care of him... they have nothing else to do and maybe you can make a new insider friend for your next night out ;)

Your Motive
Please remember your motive of going out when you're broke: To flirt and get free drinks so you and your gals could have a fabulous night 'cause you're all smokin' hot. NOT so you could have a drunken meltdown at the end of the night because you didn't find Prince Charming and you're still single. Be goofy, dance till your feet hurt, talk to guys who you normally wouldn't talk to and most importantly: don't forget the camera!

To all the men this has offended, I apologize... The truth hurts.
It's good to have a vagina.

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