Friday, September 9, 2011

Day Two

Day 2: Nine Things I Do Every Cot Damn Day

2 - Sing out loud wherever I am or even better, say the lyrics to heavy metal songs in a tone that sounds like a Disney movie song. It throws everyone off and is hilarious to me.
3 - Change my outfit at least 2 times before I walk out the door.
4 - Say I need to clean my room. Does that happen?...

5 - Laugh.... mostly at myself

6 - Do video dance moves in my mirror that I wouldn't dare do in public.
7 - Wear earrings; I absolutely cannot stand it when I forget to put them on. I will turn around and go back home for them even if it makes me late for work.
8 - Talk to at least one family member.
9 - Remember my crazy ass dreams from the night before and tell one person about it.

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