Friday, November 4, 2011

I went to a MOVIE PREMIERE!!!!!!

SIKE! So yesterday Iago aka BFF & I went to see a private movie screening of Martha Marcy May Marlene and let me tell you... I thought it was a waste of two hours of my life. It sounds very interesting from the description, but that was the only interesting part. It had a sort of Girl, Interrupted vibe to it, but with no well put together plot. And then it was one of those movies that you're almost two hours into and BAM! It's over, just like that leaving you wondering to who the hell would fund production for such a movie.
Although we didn't enjoy the actual plot of the movie, we agreed that Elizabeth Olson is a really good actress & that will probably lead to this not-so-really-good movie winning some sort of crazy movie award. But if you really want to see it just cause you're Curious George, then I'd recommend getting it on bootleg; don't waste $11 on it.


  1. lmao. I thought we agreed on Daria NOT Iago!

  2. I can't just have one funny nickname for you. That wouldn't be fair to the audience. Please stop being so selfish and think of the universe Amera. Love it.
