Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh Baby I'm A Rock Star!

So last night I went with my sister, brother, and their children to eat at Burger King so the kids could play in the questionably sanitary play pen. After I ordered my food, this country song popped in my head & I was jammin' out to it in my mind when the cashier hands over my cup and I go to fill it with iced tea. I then walked over to the condiments station and I'm focusing on shakin' my sugar packet to the beat of the song when out of my peripheral vision I see my niece walk up next to me to get a straw. So I start singing out loud, and for the last few words of the song I turn to her to sing straight to her face only to realize she's most definitely not my niece, but the older lady who was in line behind me and about the same height as my niece...
After about 2 minutes of laughing uncontrollably, I immediately apologized and she assured me it was no problem but American Idol better watch out for me.
I knew I had the potential!!!!!!!

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