Monday, December 5, 2011

Gee Whizz

Everyday I read that more and more single people are confessing that they don't see themselves getting married or settling down. Our generation has reached the point where we believe it is better to be successful in our careers than to be successful emotionally. What the hell is happening to us? Like I know we're going through this economic recession and money problems get people down, dating is expensive, but is it really consuming our wallets and our hope? Are we living through an economic recession or is it an emotional recession?
Maybe it's not the economy. Maybe it's our generation. Our parents and grandparents grew up to believe that a successful life was about falling passionately in love with someone, having great friends, starting a family, and having a good job to support your loved ones. I feel like now it's all backwards and so many people have given up on finding someone to feel passionately about because our main priority is to "succeed" with a career then if we have time, we'll find someone who will love us. I understand that people want to have financial stability which requires education and hard work, but are we being so brainwashed to be workaholics and money focused that we are forgetting the meaning of life? I was raised to believe that you surround yourself with those you love and you find a way to make it through thick and thin, but the main thing was to Love. Maybe I'm sounding like a complete hopeless romantic right now, but I refuse to give up on finding love.
I guess that's what I get for watching stupid romantic comedies... Whatever.

1 comment:

  1. i like this post. I agree, money and status is not everything!! and p.s. are you referring to Tara? lol she always says she never wants to get married. but im not sure if i beleive her ;)
