Monday, April 16, 2012

I got served

So apparently I'm not exactly waitressing material... Well at least not for an Asian restaurant with nagging owners and almost all senior citizen clientele. I was about to break an old man hip this weekend.

Friday night after my shift all I could think about is how I didn't want to go in on Saturday afternoon for my next shift, and then realized I was already unhappy with this second job after a week. My second job should be something fun that I enjoy and look forward to go to, not one that I'm dreading. I know not all work is fun, but it should be enjoyable. Especially after hearing another server tell me how miserable he was working there and he hated it, I decided I wouldn't be that way for a few reasons:

1. A server who is not happy with their job, should NOT serve. Bad overall experience for the customers = bad tip or no tip and that's just a waste of everyone's time.
2. I'm expecting a lot of changes for my full time job within the next couple of months and if all goes smoothly with that, I won't need a second job at all.
3. Now I have a whole 9 days of serving experience and I'm off to the next sports bar with my low cut t-shirt on to show off all of my acquired skills.

Okay, that last one is a joke... Unless my full time job screws me over and I have no choice but to go work in a sports bar for some extra cash which kind of sounds fun, but I don't know. What I do know is that I have a whole new level of respect for servers (not that I've ever been a jerk to people who serve), and I tip my hat to you all!

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