Friday, April 13, 2012

Ree! Ree!! Ree!!! Ree!!!!!!

You know what today is...
DISCLAIMER for those of you who are under the age of 30 and happen to have fun plans with your friends for the night:

  • DO NOT go anywhere isolated with just your small group of drunk / high off your asses friends.
  • DO NOT HAVE PREMARITAL SEX! You WILL die a slow and agonizing death before you get to finish.
  • DO stretch those leg muscles before you go out, that way if your being chased by a psychopath killer you are prepared to run for your life. Literally
  • DO carry some mace or some sort of defense mechanism that will give you a head start run.
  • DO NOT trip like a dumbass if you are running from a psychopath killer & if your friend trips... you'll always have memories of them before that night.
  • If you are not Caucasian: DO NOT be the only minority within your group of friends. Deranged killers love small groups of white people.
  • And once again, DO NOT HAVE PREMARITAL SEX! You WILL die a slow and agonizing death mid hump!

Okay so serious question: What is with movie producers picking on people under the age of 30 for all horror films. Can the young generation please get a fecking break and someone throw a movie out there where a bunch of  people going through their mid-life crisis' get brutally murdered; say maybe after they get their cool new tattoos and buy their new Harley and then horror strikes on their first bike run? Hell, I'll even settle for a film based off a mass murder at the senior citizen rec center.


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