Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Please Allow Myself,

To introduce... Myself

Hey there, remember me? I know it's been quite sometime since I've actually posted some thoughts, words and pictures of my own on here, but I'm not sorry... you bitches ain't nobody!!!!
Totes Kidding!!!  You guys (whoever you are, as in most likely ONE person) are awesome and I am very sorry because I know you can't live another day without my wise words to guide your life.... right down the drain.

Anyways, this year has already slapped me sideways and tossed me around like a one dollar hooker in Vegas, but I'm enjoying it. Guess I finally know what I want to do with my life now... So since my last sincere post was about New Years resolutions and getting this mess of a life together, I figured I'd update y'all on just a few of my goals and achievements:
  1. Go to church EVERY Sunday - Not proud of myself on this one, it's been 4 or 5 weeks since my last church appearance.
  2. Exercise at LEAST 4 times a week and eat healthy - another disappointment; this week I'm back on track after my birthday month celebration (don't judge, there's no reason you should celebrate your birthday for ONE day) and have taken it upon myself to deactivate my "social internet life" that way I can focus on my goal and not be distracted by all the fun everyone else will be having, while I'm just eating salads & sweating like a pig... I want to cry thinking about it, but I can cry when I'm a skinny bitch.
  3. Get my financial stabilities together - This is one goal that I have accomplished and have been doing pretty good with. I even got myself a part time waitressing job that I start this weekend (raising the roof y'all) so I can finally have a shithole apartment to call my own. Fingers crossed that I don't get fired on day one! 
  4. Limit my alcohol intake to special occasions - Like most of my other goals, I only lasted a good month and a half on this one. I have been drinking almost every weekend and family event since February and that's not good folks! So since I'm going to be in my own little world of full time work, exercise, part time work and sleep for the next couple months I'm not going to have time for any alcohol intake and that is fabulous. Oh yeah, and I didn't puke on my bday celebration night! Holler!
  5. Read more books - Honestly, the last book I read was the booklet attached to the liquor bottle I was drinking out of... the shame
  6. No Douchebags - Well, this one I've aced because I've managed to block out any and all men that approach me. I should probably start responding to them soon before I am told "I heard you were a lesbian now" again... yes AGAIN, I was told that by an old friend I ran into about a year ago. I should've maneaten his ass to let him know that I'm strictly dickly!
So, now you know my year has been fairly decent & eventful and is only getting better from here!! Blink 182 wasn't messin' around with that song Dammit lol
Hope you guys have done better in the New Year Resolution department than I have!! 

Exes & Oh's hoes!

Love GeeRae

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