Thursday, October 20, 2011

I Want A Boat

So everyone can look at me, cause I'll be sailin' on a boat!

I have this obsession with nautical striped shirts. I absolutely love them. When I wear one, it makes me feel like I should be on a small boat sailing (without getting sea sick) with the wind blowing my hair perfectly away from my face saying things like "Ahoy mate" and "Heading starboard" and "Where's the rum?". What's funny is that my sister in law told me just the other day that my brother has nothing but striped shirts too. Guess it runs in the fam.

Here's my ideal striped shirt outfit complete with oh so cute wedges!

Some people say horizontal stripes are not flattering for someone who's "full figured",  well I say if you feel confident in it, who gives a rat's ass what other people say or think? Now I realize the nautical stripes are more of a Spring/ Summer fashion look, but I like to squeeze mine in year round. This sweater looks super cozy for Fall / Winter and I want it now like Veruca with the goose laying golden chocolate eggs!

On another note, I guess if I never get a boat I could just go to prison. Stripes erry day! Yeah yeauuhhh!

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