Monday, October 3, 2011

Cold Turkey Pt. 2

So you want to hear what awesome things happened while I boycotted Facebook for this last week?!?
I painted my nails a cool blue color.
People at work were told they aren't going to have a job in 2 weeks :(
....and more nothing.

Ok wait, that's kind of a lie. Something awesome did happen to me but not like what I was expecting. I didn't get promoted because I was way more productive, I didn't paint and organize my room like I need to and I didn't stumble upon a briefcase full of money because I wasn't looking down at my phone updates...
After my first day of serious withdrawals, I went into the kitchen in the morning for my cup of coffee as normal and found myself talking to an employee about hiking and then about his bad knee and some surgery he had on it, then about his kids. When I walked away, I started thinking about how many older people I work with (and not like, OLDER as in needing a walker, they're just older than me and in their 40's-50's) and how I really don't know much about any of them outside of work. I kinda just imagined these people to only exist at work, then they disappear off the face of the earth until 8am the next workday. And I mean that in the nicest way possible, now that I'm typing it out it seems a little harsh... I just forget that they also have their own lives and families and problems.

On a day to day basis, there's about 90 people here and I am close to about 10-12 of them, meaning I talk with them regularly and know a little about them & their personal lives. These are the people who do not disappear at 5pm because I've hung out with them outside of work so I know they're not imaginary (my imaginary friends are way more fun, but don't tell my coworkers I said that). So I decided with all of this extra time I've been having at work, I'd make it a point to start talking more to people who I normally don't talk to and asking more penetrating questions than the usual "How are you today?", "Is it Friday yet?", and "Have you seen my boss?". It's probably making some of them uncomfortable that I'm digging more into their personal lives, but most of them seem to enjoy talking about it cause I've been caught up in a few long conversations and they've even come up to my desk after to talk to me more. They like the penetration.

Without being so caught up on Fb I've learned that it's good idea to develop real relationships with the people I encounter almost everyday of my life instead of focusing all of my time on my Internet pals, especially since a group of people won't even be here in another two weeks. Maybe we're not like BFF status, but still it's nice to have someone else at work to talk with on a personal level. I guess all of my older coworkers are not these career focused zombies as I've imagined them to be.

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